Important Information  

If your horse is under veterinarian care, continue to follow their instructions including the use of recommended medications. All topical meditations advised by your vet will work well with the silver in the sox.

View the video on showing how to put the socks on and take them off. This is very helpful video and will make your first experience with them a breeze. The more you practice, the easier they are to use.

NEVER PUT MORE THAN 2 SOCKS ON YOUR HORSE THE FIRST 24-48 HOURS. SilverWhinnys® feel different from anything your horse has ever had on its legs. BEGIN IN THE MORNING WHEN YOU CAN OBSERVE YOUR HORSE’S LEVER OF COMFORT WITH THE SOCKS. Some horses find it strange that the socks conform and move with the motion of the legs. Your horse must be comfortable with the first two socks during the day light hours IF you are to leave those two socks on overnight.

Fit is everything. Once the socks are over the hoof, they should fit the leg yet allow your hand to fit snuggly between the sock and the cannon bone of the leg. Even if you push the sock all the way down around the pastern and put three fingers between the sock and the pastern, you should not find them able to cut circulation. They are made to not impair circulation even if they fall down onto the pastern. If you are wondering if you ordered the correct size, try only one sock on your horse and observe how it fits and performs. You can always exchange them for another size.

If your horse currently suffers from edema, cellulitis, or lymphangitis, you particularly want to make sure that the sock is not tight on the leg. Applying compression is never an exact science and the use of it has much to do with the condition of the tissues. Call us to discuss the use of the socks.

Some equine don’t like leg wear and will try to take them off. These horses man not be candidates for the socks. However, we have found that horses might accept the short socks if they didn’t accept the regular length. Don’t give up. Call us to discuss your horse’s behavior with the socks. Don’t leave the socks on any horse that battles any horse wear. The socks won’t hurt the horse, but the horse might hurt itself if it really wants the socks off. This is why we advise you begin in the morning with the first two socks and keep an eye in the horse during the day.

If you are using SilverWhinnys® as a bandage, it is important that the socks are protected and supported so that they stay in place over the wound/sores or injury. Wounds and dermatitis can be extremely painful and cause your horse to chew or rub the sox. It is not uncommon for itching to occur due to rapid healing and equine will chew on or rub the socks down on an attempt to relieve the itching. Itching is a good thing. It indicates the condition is healing. You may need to add some support of the horse is determined to rub or chew on its leg. We have had the most success with a couple of single wraps of electrical tape neat the top and above the fetlock. Never wrap tape tight. We have instructions on how to use electrical tape on our website under “Socks Support.” Also read our “Wound Care” insert. We are good at tech support regarding theses issues. Call or email us. WE can help! 850-907-5724

SilverWhinnys® stay up for many hours on most horses but as with any horse wear, check them twice a day, in the morning and evening to make any adjustments. If you don’t see your horse twice a day, make arrangements with other dependable people to check and adjust the socks for you. If you can’t do this, the please do not use our socks. For the safety of your horse, all the horse clothing requires an owner or other experienced equine care persons to observe that any clothing is correctly placed, and functioning on the horse at all times. DON’T TWIST THE SOCKS ON THE LEG. POSITION WITH THE KNIT RIBBING STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN THE LEG.

For wound care, if the ground is constantly wet and muddy, change the socks with clean dry socks twice a day if possible. The silver cannot keep up with the high level of propagating bacteria and fungi for more than 12 hours when in that environment. Check out our WhinnyWilies™ to keep the socks warm, dry and clean during the cold wet winter months.

For normal wear, wash your socks every 2-3 days for best care and optimum fit. Machine wash and dry for best cleaning results. Avoid bleach, fabric softeners and perfumed detergents. Brush mud and other debris from the socks before removing them to wash. The best time to remove the socks is when they are dry. IF you must remove then while wet, slide them off a bit at a time and they will come along. If muddy and wet, rinse the mud off first. DON’T WIST THEM ON THE LEG, KEEP THE RIB OF THE KNITS STRAIGHT.

We’ve never had a horse hurt of injured because of our socks. Please note that because of the theoretically possible risk of a sock coming off or falling down and panicking the horse while being ridden, we must warn that riding you horse while it’s wearing SilverWhinnys™ must be at your own risk. If you have and questions, call us at 850-907-5724. You can also drop us an email at [email protected]. 

If you have a horse that suffers from arthritis, laminitis, IR Cushings – Equine Metabolic Syndrome, or founder, try our new extreme temperature WhinnyWarmers® with Celliant® for winter wear. Our new designs are super wear, super thick and now contain the amazing Celliant yarn. Read about Celliant WhinnyWarmers® bring warmth, comfort, and circulation therapy to your horse’s legs in the winter.