What if the Electrical Tape Isn’t Working?  

Socks that are soaking wet or muddy can come down due to the weight of moisture. Being wet doesn’t hurt the socks, but the added weight can pull the socks down low enough to go under the hoof.

A horse that is determined to rub its legs can push the socks down. Wounds can itch as they heal, and if the horse is repeatedly rubbing down the socks, talk with your veterinarian. There are good options for reducing itch that won’t slow down healing.

If the horse is constantly in mud or water, please consider our Whinny Wellies® to protect the socks. The Whinny Wellies will keep the socks dry and clean. See our Patented Whinny Wellies®

You can add electrical tape in more than two places along the sock. Try adding another wrap around the pastern. That should keep the socks from going all the way down beneath the hoof. If you prefer the spiral wrap pattern, spiral the tape a bit closer.

Add more tape. Adding tape around the pastern and hoof is also an option when dealing with dew poisoning and the grass is pushing the socks off the interrupted tissue. It is also effective in holding the sock down over mud fever, or wounds on the pastern.







Another solution for horses that just can’t leave the socks alone or where taping has failed is to put a fly boot over the socks. You may still need a bit of tape, but the fly boots can offer protection to the socks and help to keep them over the wounds/dermatitis or simply up on the leg.

Pastern wraps work well to hold the socks down over the pastern. Bell boots can help but that depends on if the bell boot would rest on inflamed tissue. That would not feel good to the horse so only a solution if the bell boot will rest comfortably in place.

When weather is constant wet and muddy, Mud Boots can provide the protection that the socks need to stay in place and clean.

If you must add more support and higher levels of protection for the socks and a wound, a wrap over the sock can help prevent re-injury, which is far more destructive to the healing process than the temporary loss of oxygen.

Will the loss of oxygen slow healing down? Not so much with Silver Whinnys. Sometimes a wrap over the socks can’t be avoided, but under the wrap the socks continue to wick away excess fluids and provide a hygienic environment around the leg. Healing continues.

See our case studies for Jetta. She is a great example of how healing continues even when the socks are completely under wraps.

Read more articles at Sock Support
“Put The Socks On Upside Down for Clever Horses and Donkeys”

“Helpful Wound and Sock Management Tips” “Method 1: Individual Single Wraps of Tape” “Method 2: Spiral Pattern Taping”